Sunday, February 19, 2012

3 Hari Berjalan di Hutan, Anak Orang Rimba Ingin Belajar

Pekanbaru Tidak mengenal menyerah demi mendapatkan ilmu tulis dan baca. Tiga bocah anak Orang Rimba di Jambi rela menelusuri kawasan hutan selama tiga hari untuk mencari guru pembimbingnya dari aktivis Warsi. 

Selama perjalanan mereka tidak makan selama dua hari. Namun usaha mereka tidak sia-sia, mereka akhirnya bertemu dengan guru pembimbingnya.

Inilah sepenggal kisah pedih dari kelompok anak-anak Orang Rimban di kawasan hutan belantara di Jambi. Nasib mereka tidak seiindah anak-anak pada umumnya yang dengan mudah mendapatkan fasilitas pendidikan dari pemerintah. Anak Orang Rimba nan jauh di pedalaman sana, sampai kini tidak mendapatkan fasilitas pendidikan formal dari pemerintah terdahulu sampai kepemimpinan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY).

Untuk mengenali menulis dan mambaca, selama ini anak-anak Rimba hanya mengharapkan adanya bimbingan dari kelompok aktivis lingkungan. Salah satu kelompok aktivis yang melakukan bimbingan belajar baca dan tulis adalah Warsi yang berpusat di Jambi. 

Selama ini Warsi memberikan bimbingan belajat pada anak-anak Rimba dengan pola saling bergantian. Tidak bisa saban hari mereka memberikan pelajaran buat anak-anak itu. Ini mengingat keterbatasan tenaga pengajar Warsi yang hanya dua orang yakni seorang gadis bernama Karlina dengan seorang pemuda bernama Abdi.

Mereka berdua harus bergantian memberikan pelajaran pada anak-anak Rimba yang lokasinya saling berbeda. Sehingga dengan hanya ada dua tenaga pengajar, anak-anak Rimba ini paling banter sepekan sekali baru mendapatkan pelajaran menulis dan membaca dari guru pembimbingnya.

Sebagaimana siang itu, Karlina dan Abdi baru saja melakukan proses belajar mengajar serta membawa tamu dari Jakarta untuk anak-anak Rimba di kawasan Taman Nasional Bukit Duabelas (TNBD). Hanya beberapa hari Karlina saat itu memberikan bimbingan belajar. Namun karena ada tugas lainnya, Karlina harus segera meninggalkan anak-anak itu karena harus membimbing kelompok anak-anak yang lainnya.

Ketika Karlina meninggalkan 10 muridnya itu, rupanya secara diam-diam keesokan harinya tiga muridnya masih ingin terus belajar. Menyadari guru pembimbingnya baru akan tiba sepekan ke depan, lantas tiga bocah itu nekat mencari perwakilan Kantor Warsi yang berada sangat jauh dari kawasan taman nasional.

Tanpa mereka sadari, di bagian belakang, tiga bocah Rimba itu adalah Kalitap (10), Besiap Bungo (7) dan Moruya (9) berjalan kaki berbekal seadanya. Sebagaimana keseharian anak Rimba mereka hanya mengenakan kain penutup kemaluan saja tanpa mengenak baju. Dari tempat tinggalnya, tiga sekawan ini terus menyellusuri kawasan hutan untuk pergi ke kantor lapangan Warsi hanya ingin belajar tulis dan baca.

Ketiga bocah ini, tetap berjalan hingga malam menjelang. Di dekat pabrik sawit PT Emal, sekitar 10 jam jalan kaki dari tempat tinggal mereka, ketiga bocah ini memutuskan untuk istirahat. Bekal mie instan 3 bungkus dan dua bungkus roti mereka bawa, menjadi menu mereka malam itu. 

Di bawah pepohonan sawit ketiga bebudak—sebutan orang rimba untuk anak-anak—itu tertidur di atas tanah beratapkan langit, sarung yang mereka bawa menjadi pembungkus tubuh dari serangan angin malam. Untung saja malam itu tidak turun hujan.

Keesokan paginya, ketiga budak rimba bersepakat untuk melanjutkan perjalanan, setalah sarapan pagi dengan sisa roti semalam. Tujuan mereka satu, bertemu lagi dengan tim Warsi untuk melanjutkan pelajaran mereka tempo hari. Ketiga bocah beriringan, terus menelusuri jalanan kebun sawit dan kemudian masuk ke desa hingga akhirnya setelah 4 jam mereka berjalan sampailah mereka di Pauh, tepi jalan besar yang menghubungkan Sarolangun-Jambi. 

Di sini, ketiga bocah ini mencoba meminjam telepon, seorang kenalan yang ditemui di Pauh. Mereka mencoba menelpon nomor Fadli-driver-Warsi yang membawa tim Warsi. Selama di Simpang Alas, hanya nomor Fadli yang bisa di hubungi, sehingga anak-anak ini hanya mencatat nomor Fadli. Namun apa daya, sinyal yang hilang timbul menyebabkan mereka tak pernah tersambung dengan tim Warsi.

Sejenak ketiga bocah ini bimbang, mau bagaimana cara mereka untuk menemukan tim Warsi, sementara di sisi lain mereka tidak mau kembali ke rombongnya, mereka tetap ingin 'tokang' (pandai) membaca, menulis, dan berhitung. 

Selama ini memang ketiga bocah ini termasuk murid-murid yang diajarkan warsi, sejak 2008 silam, ketika sudah ada kesepakatan dengan Tumenggung mereka untuk adanya pendidikan di kelompok Terap. Terap merupakan kelompok Orang Rimba yang baru pada 2008 silam mau menerima pendidikan alternatif yang diberikan Warsi.

Namun keterbatasan tenaga pengajar dan banyaknya kelompok Orang Rimba yang harus di jangkau Warsi, kelompok ini, dikunjungi hanya beberapa hari dalam sebulan. Sementara di sisi lain, anak-anak rimba di kelompok ini sangat bersemangat untuk dibekali pengetahuan tentang huruf dan abjad serta merangkainya menjadi kata. 

Ini juga yang membawa Kalitap dan dua rekannya untuk menyusul tim Warsi supaya mereka bisa diajarkan kembali, hingga mereka mahir membaca dan menulis serta berhitung.

Perburuan mereka yang gagal menemukan tim Warsi di hari kedua, di tengah keraguan dan perjalanan panjang yag telah mereka tempuh, Moruya mengambil komando. "Awak ka SPI, mungkin kanti yoi di sana (kita ke SPI mungkin mereka di sana)," ujar Maroya dan langsung diiyakan oleh Besiap. 

Walau mereka tahu, pilihan itu mengharuskan mereka berjalan sangat jauh. Pauh-SPI jika menggunakan kendaraan roda empat, menghabiskan waktu 3 jam perjalanan, apalagi jika berjalan kaki. Namun semangat "kamia ndok pintar" kembali menggerakkan langkah kaki anak-anak ini menyusuri jalan desa. Hingga sore menjelang mereka sampai di Simpang PT Emal—perkebunan sawit, sekitar 10 km dari Pauh. Di sebuah pos ronda ketiga bocah ini bermalam.

Tidak ada makan malam hari itu, dengan perut kosong ketiga bocah ini melelapkan mata. Bagi Orang Rimba sudah terbiasa untuk tidak makan seharian, masa remayo (masa paceklik) sering kali menghampiri kehidupan mereka terutama sejak semakin tipisnya sumber daya alam untuk mendukung kehidupan mereka.

Keesokan paginya, ketiga bocah ini kembali berjalan, beruntung di tengah jalan ada yang memberi tumpangan. Di bak terbuka sebuah truk cold disel senyum para bocah ini mengembang, harapan mereka untuk bertemu tim Warsi hampir jadi nyata. Dua kali mereka berganti tumpangan dan kemudian melanjutkan dengan berjalan kaki, malam harinya akhirnya ketiga bocah ini sampai di kantor lapangan Warsi.

Abdi salah seotang guru bimbingan Warsi kaget bukan kepalang melihat tiga bocah itu sampai di kantor warsi. Malam itu, ketiga anak ini disuguhi makanan, dan disuruh istirahat di dalam kantor lapangan. Ketika mereka masuk ke dalam kantor, mereka malu dengan tas butut yang mereka bawa, dan memilih meninggalkannya di luar kantor, hanya mengambil isinya, sarung dan benda yang terbungkus dalam sarung itu. 

"Ketika dia berjalan itu, sarungnya terlepas dari genggaman Besiap, sehingga buku dan pena dalam sarung itu berceceran, saya benar-benar terharu, ternyata mereka menyusul kami karena masih ingin belajar," kata Abdi dalam perbincangan dengan detikcom, Sabtu (23/7/2011).

Tak ada baju yang mereka bawa, hanya sarung dan buku serta pena. Terbukti malam itu, ketika di suruh masuk ke kamar, anak-anak itu malah menyodorkan bukunya pada Abdi, dan meminta Abdi untuk mengajari mereka membaca. 

"Meski sudah menempuh perjalanan jauh dan tidak makan dua hari, mereka masih mau belajar, ya jadilah kami belajar hingga larut malam," terang Abdi.

Karena keesokan harinya ada keperluan ke Jambi, Abdi tidak tega untuk tidak memenuhi keiinginan mereka belajar. Sementara Karin sudah harus menjalankan tugasnya di kelompok lain. Ketiga anak inipun di bawa ke Jambi, tentu sebelumnya Abdi sudah menanyakan kepada anak-anak ini apakah orang tuanya sudah di kasih tahu. 

"Kamia dah cakopkan ka induk, ndok pergi belajor (kami sudah izin pada induk, kami mau pergi belajar," sebut Besiap.

Jadilah ketiga bocah itu nangkring di boncengan Abdi menempuh perjalanan panjang 6 jam bersepeda motor. Kini ketiga bocah itu, ingin menimba ilmu sebagaimana mana umumnya anak Indonesia. Walau mereka tidak memiliki fasilitas tas dan buku yang bagus, mereka hanya memiliki keinginan yang kuat agar kelak mereka tidak terus menerus menjadi anak yang terisolasi di tengah hutan belantara.


Monday, January 16, 2012

An easy way to start a business

Category : Home business
Author    : Anto-mars

Perhaps many of us who want to start a business but feel lessconfident of success, you could say fear of failure. why is that? this is because we are afraid of running out of money, fear of poverty, fear of falling and so forth.

Here are tips on how to keep our easy to start a business:

Before you do business, it helps us alms in advance, so that our aura radiated and simplify our sustenance door. Alms to orphans,and those less fortunate around us.

Change the mindset
Immediately change the mindset we are always thinking and loss.Thinking positively, because our goal is to attempt to gain an advantage. Remove our fears, and never afraid to fail, if fail, make it as a teacher and experience. Immediately correct theerror until the business was run.

Soon "START"
Do not delay anymore, immediately take action to immediately realize the effort that we want to actually run the business that we think it could happen.

Success for you, and always optimistic, God provides the best path for you.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

DIY Plans - How to get ready the right way ?

Category : Home business.
Author : Freeman Pittman.

You'll notice so many people who want to change something with their house, and they think that they can save money by doing it themselves. In many cases the task ends up taking doubly long as they thought, and costing at least three times more than they wanted. This typically happens because the jobs are not quite as easy as you think, and you make more mistakes than you were expecting.

You can take several steps to ensure that this can't occur and that you learn how to get it right the first time for future projects. The # 1 priority that's not done by some individuals is the acquiring of the required permits. Working together with the government isn't something most people enjoy but it can be beneficial in the long term. This is going to aid in guaranteeing the quality of the work you have performed and will keep your insurance company happy should you file a claim some day. You'll want to check out your local building code permit specifications if you're going to take on any sort of project other than just repainting the inside or outside of your house.

Another thing that adds time and money to the task is not having the proper tools. Even though it's fairly easy to rent many tools, you may want to invest in your own if you anticipate using them in other projects. In case the project takes long enough, the fee for renting a tool could be almost as much as buying it, so it would be wiser to purchase what you need, only don't skimp and get a tool that is too cheaply made. Make sure that you have your job site prepared for the materials that need to be delivered. It is advisable to keep them protected against the weather as best you can, and in a safe place for protection from theft.

ou need to do the very best job so be prepared to spend the money you need to get the best possible materials. Select drywall that is over 5/8 inch and flooring that is greater than 3/4 inch. Be sure that you get the walls fully prepared before you start painting. Thoroughly clean the walls, sand them, and fill in all holes before you begin to paint. You may need to use a primer coating if you are painting over old peeling paint, stains, or using a lighter color than the original one. Next, you can apply the paint that you pick, keeping in mind that a flat paint works best on a ceiling. For your interior walls, you will probably want an eggshell or satin finish, so it can be cleansed.

Be more cautious if you are using unknown tools. It will undoubtedly defeat the purpose of doing your own work in the event that you were to get hurt. Try to learn everything you can before you get started, and don't be afraid to ask questions. It really is quite possible that a professional at your local hardware or lumber retailer can help.


Good evening my friends around the world !!!

Thank you for visiting this blog, along with this article I would like to invite to my brother all to keep the spirit in the face of the future, facing all kinds of trials of life, and we must always think positive because I was sure to always think positive then our lives will be focused to things better. With our wealth menyedekahkan part, all forms of sustenance of God would come from all directions that we will not anticipated.

Unnoticed by many people, the charity will multiply our sustenance, makes us healthier and make our hearts feel at ease. I also have long known, but after I read the ebook from Ippho santoso titled 7 wonders of sustenance, I became aware, that turned out to charity has many benefits for us and I became very excited, and I was able to smile after reading the ebook. In his book, he recounted at length about the charity.

Billgates and Warren Buffett the world's two richest men, but they are also a rich slanting their biggest benefactor of this century.Donald Trump, when the company's loss in 1990, he even gave away his property that remains. Because he believed in 'giving' is directly proportional to the 'given'. Jim Rohn as a mentor, "make it a habit to share and make it a habit to share in an amount more, it's not only good for others, but it's also good for ourselves."

Actually, each time giving you a positive energy to collect and dispose of negative energy. It radiates positive energy, so that the people around us feel comfortable with us. This makes all our affairs becomes easier and sustenance we too become a lot more.

Hopefully a little of this paper is useful for my brother any hemisphere. And I apologize if there are many deficiencies in writing, of writing, content, or language. But in essence I told my brother to invite all to share some of his property to be given to those who are less fortunate. I am sure, you will not be poor ...

Relationship help : Why do I get so upset with my partner ?

Q: I need some relationship help. While I love my husband with all my heart, sometimes it's just so frustrating being married to him. When I feel that he's ignoring me, I get so upset, and he's usually surprised by the intensity of my reaction. Why do I get so upset with him? ~Lynn, Carlsbad CA

A: Thanks for the question, Lynn. Here are some thoughts that might help shed light on your experience:

It is extremely distressing to feel as if your words and actions have no impact (or no longer matter) to your spouse/partner—to think that someone whom you love deeply is no longer engaged fully in the relationship or interested in what's important to you can be extremely painful.

When you feel like your spouse/partner is not being responsive to you (and to your needs), two outcomes become likely:

1. Initially, you may "up the ante" in order to have some kind of impact on your spouse/partner-- this might involve yelling, becoming more provocative, elevating your emotional responses, acting in ways that are uncharacteristic for you (in attachment literature these types of reactions are called "protest" behaviors—your protests are a reflection of losing something extremely important to you; this can be the love of your partner, the security of your relationship, or both).

Is it fair to say that at some point most of us would react negatively (protest) if we perceived our spouse/partner to be unavailable and unresponsive to our needs?

2. When you feel ignored for extended periods of time, your sense of despair can turn into feelings of hopelessness—you give up on trying to engage your spouse/partner and begin to retreat (this is a self-protective behavior—in essence, you're cutting your loses). This may take the form of indifference, withdrawal behaviors, and disengaging from the relationship in general (and the responsibilities that are a part of the relationship).

Typically a protest reaction isn't random: Protest behaviors (getting really upset when your partner isn't responding in predictable ways that make you feel secure in the relationship) occur in a particular context; and the triggering event is usually feeling anxious about losing the security of your relationship.

Relationship Help: Let's break down this reaction:

An unresponsive/disengaged/uninterested partner =>

triggers increased anxiety and worry in the other partner, who then =>

attempts to reengage the unresponsive partner (for example, "We need to talk," or "What's wrong?") =>

and if the other partner is still not responsive, protest behaviors are triggered.

Your protest behaviors (whether your protest behaviors are perceived as nagging, pestering, yelling, or some kind of increased emotionality like anger) are in effect attempts to try and correct the problem—ideally it's an attention-grabbing reaction that will let your spouse know that something is wrong that needs fixing.

Think of protest behaviors as an alarm sounding in an effort to grab your partner's attention to what needs to be addressed.

Marital/relationship problems can arise when these temporary reactions (feeling one's spouse/partner is unconcerned and unresponsive) are not addressed and become ingrained patterns.

I hope this sheds some light on why you seem to get so upset with your spouse (or why we all get upset with our spouse/partner at times). Whenever we allow a loved one special access to our hearts, feeling ignored by this person is going to feel like a major deal.

Click Relationship Help to sign up for Dr. Nicastro's free Relationship and Marriage Advice tips & read his latest blog posts. 

And don't forget to check out the special Marriage Enrichment Bonus Offer.

Author : Richard Nicastro, Ph.D

Choosing a video card

A video card is that device ( a loaded circuit board ) that determines the screen output or video display of the computer. It is also known as the graphics card, graphics adapter, display adapter or video adapter.

The video card is either installed directly on the mother board or in an expansion slot. The intended use determines which type to use.

What To Check For When Choosing A Video Card

1. Determine how the computer will be used. Is it for computer games or just for ordinary encoding?

There are different types of video cards for different uses.

2. RAM is resolution required to meet the video output needed.

The memory of a video card is very important for speed because it holds the common operands for the images. Since the video card can access its own memory faster than that of the mother board, the images are displayed faster.

3.Mother board and Video card format compatibility.

A mother board doesn't support all kinds of video cards. Some mother boards only have the GPUs or graphics processing units which maybe adequate for an average business or home use but not applicable where more graphics capabilities are needed. A GPU is a video card's own processing unit.

Mother boards may have the following expansion slots: AGP slots, standard PCI slots, 1xPCI EXpress slots, 16xPCI Express slots. Make sure the video card and the slot where it will be installed are compatible

The 16XPCI Express slot has compatibility with the most video cards, so it is advisable to buy this card for a new computer. The next newest slot is the AGP slot which came before 16xPCIExpress.

The least recommended slot is the PCI slot because there are only a few video cards compatible with it and most of them are the slow , expensive type.

4. TV output capability

Not all video cards have this capability. Be sure to check this out.

5. The fan on the video card must be working to prevent over heating of parts which slows down its performance.

6. Price- how much can you afford to pay?

The compatibility of components determine how the equipment functions. In the case of video cards, there is more need to check for compatibility due to the various models developed to meet various needs.

Incompatibility is expensive, for how will you install a video if it doesn't fit in the expansion slot?

Author :

Saturday, January 14, 2012

About me

My name is MarsantoI was born in JogjaIndonesia.
I live in JakartaI worked as a production operator in a company.My hobbies are playing musicI always try to be better than yesterdayit is my mottoI graduated from a vocational schoolMa'arif Wates in 2005I have no cost to attend school. And I wasonly able to attend school at the University Bhayangkara in 2011,it's not a problem for meit's never too late for me.

Selling or buying domain names for revenue

If you are looking to make money online, you are possibly aware that it seems that everyday new ways are being presented on how you can achieve this. Flipping domains, on the other hand, is a proven opportunity to make money and sometimes quickly, although not everyone is aware of the market for this. In a similar manner as owning a website means you have an asset, this is also the case when you purchase a domain. How domains can be sold for a nice return is something we will now explore.

There are countless domains that made people prosperous who were in this market at the start and there are many of these who still trade domains as a genuine business today. The dot com extension is actually the most valuable and the one word kind of domains are long gone in terms of availability as they are for the majority of the others such as dot net and dot org. If you can instruct yourself about this market, you can still make healthy profits once you realize where the demand is.

Short domain names have the potential to make you some money and those with the least characters are most likely to be priced at the uppermost level. One of the underlying factors these can be attractive to prospective buyers is they may be seen as brandable particularly in these days of web 2.0 sites that have short quirky names. Clearly, some will be more marketable than others and so you need to get a feel for what looks right. You should learn to get an instinct for what is right here and by looking into what actually sells and for what price, your understanding of what creates interest will increase.

If you look into niches as part of your internet marketing, you will recognize the next sort of domain that is dependent on specific keyword phrases. Google's keyword tool is used by many people for investigation in internet marketing and, in domaining, the exact match options are often used. The more occasions an exact keyword is searched for, the more valuable the domain could be to buy if you still can get it. The dot net and dot org extensions can be lucrative if you find that the more sought after dot com has already been registered. As you become more competent, you will get an idea as to what markets are the most profitable as this will have an effect on the price paid for domains.

A further area of escalating interest for domainers are extensions associated with particular international locations such as the UK and Germany. It is conceivable to unearth domains that you might not obtain for the main domain extensions and this could end up being profitable. If you keep an eye on the market, you will see that you are much more aware of where the value is. Sedo is one of the largest sites online for marketing domains so you need to see what goes on there and sign up for a forum like NamePros or DNForum.

Domain flipping can make you money online as long as you invest some hours gaining the wisdom you need to trade successfully.

Author : Marcus Wilson.

Flip charts - Successful presentation tools

Providing office products at your place are simply an effortless task these days hence, it appears to be cost-effective, time saving and very much convenient. Any company or business needs to be maintained by latest office supplies. Office products are the most important tools range from small pens to office furniture. These types of office products help your business or company grow in a better way. Clients always focus on what type of office supplies you use, how you carry them!

One of such office products is flip chart, an important tool mainly used in most of the business for presentation purpose. Flip chart is also used in elaborating your ideas and views. It can be availed in various styles, sizes, and shapes. Indeed a worthy investment, flip charts easily serve their purpose. Flip charts are the most usual tools seen in every office or in business.

Here are ten simple steps which will make your flip charts look quite professional.

- Make your flip chart pages in prior, so that your audience will not have to wait for what you have jotted things on the page.

- To give it more professional look, you should keep one page blank at least between each written page. In this way, extra information like comments of your audiences can be added.

- If you wish to draw diagram or chart, you can make light pencil outlines on the pages in prior; hence, this marks and lines can be seen by your audiences. Thus your charts and diagrams will look more professional.

- Ensure that, your conclusion page appears at the end of the flip charts, so that you can easily turn the pages.

- Each page should contain enough space for key points; some additional points can be added as you go through.

- Mainly you should use big letters but not the capital letters so that your audience can read your writing.

- Your text should be in dark colors something like, blue and black.

- If you wish to write on the flip chart while discussing with your audience, do stand one side, so that your audience can view what you have jotted down.

- After your presentation gets over, go through the pages of flip charts; make some notes based on points. Give information to those people who were present with you.

Author : Archie coles.

Can internet marketing be a long term business ?

Here is the basic honest truth: most of the people get into Internet Marketing because they are convinced it is an easy way to earn quick money. Their approach is to make a fast website, put up some advertising and a few affiliate links and then sit back and watch while they earn real cash. There are a large amount of individuals who do this and also earn lots of money on the internet. But what if you want more than some extra or even quick cash (quick cash, naturally being a misnomer)? Can Internet Marketing really be leveraged to produce a worthwhile and long term career?

The quick and dirty answer is that yes, you are able to make Internet Marketing your long term and sustainable career. You only need to take on the project properly. The procedures and programs you use to build something to earn fast money are not all that different than the methods and systems you will use to build long term profits. So what would you do if you need to develop a sustainable career on the internet?

It is very important that the first thing you do, in order to earn long term money online, is accept the fact that you are going to have to do real work. You will have to do actual and real work on a daily basis and you will have days when you feel fantastic about what you do and days when you wish you could find something else to take on. This causes it to be just about like every other occupation that is out there. If you want to produce lasting cash flow by working lots right now and not at all later on then you are going to be in for a rude awakening in a little while. So be ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work.

There are a few ventures that lend themselves much better to a long term career than others will. Affiliate marketing, to use one example, is a great task for someone who wants to earn money on a part time basis or to supplement your already existent income. Is it truly possible to earn a full time income in this manner? You could if you pick out only the right products and then work like crazy to promote them. A far better approach, nevertheless, is to create your own products or websites and then promote those. This gives you full control over the projects you take on and how you accomplish them. And you will end up more likely to stick with it in the long run. If you want to give a service on the web this works much the same way. Writers, for example, need to create websites for themselves and create portfolios that they can point to as examples of their work.

Finally, perhaps the most significant thing that you need to recognize is that, when you want to build a long term and reliable income on the internet, you need to truly dedicate yourself to your task. You might have fun and feel rewarded by your efforts but first you should tell yourself "yes, I really want to do this." Making a half hearted effort is not about to get you anywhere.
Author : Tanaka ara.